The Swing Headshell is an interesting device from the South Korean company Nasotec. Conceptually, the headsell adds another layer of damping with its embedded springs, working along the damping effects within the installed cartridge to absorb side force exerting on the cartridge. This approach is claimed to achieve near zero side force on the stylus during playback, an ideal situation. On the downside, the "swing" may incur unpredictable tracking errors.
My test data obtained with a low-compliance MC cartridge does not show any noticeable difference compared to the case of installing the same cartridge on a regular headshell. Similar amount of anti-skating force is still necessary to approach balanced THD on both channels. And with insufficient anti-skating force, significant distortions appear in the right-channel waveform.
tests using the same cartridge sample, the Swing Headshell demonstrates two key
areas of measurable differences from a conventional headshell. 1) The natural
resonance frequency of the cartridge/tonearm combo is broken up into two bumps,
one at lower frequency with smaller magnitude and one larger magnitude at
higher frequency near the 20Hz mark, significantly higher than the ideal 8 to
12Hz range. 2) Channel separation numbers are lower, along with wider phase
differences between the channels, possibly due to the "swinging"
actions during play when side force is present.
In A/B listening comparisons using two cartridges of the same make/model, the Swing Headshell is found to alter the sonic characteristics of the installed cartridge, turn the overall presentation toward the softer side, consequently hiding the sharp edges. Such forgiving attributes can be pleasant to the ears when the cartridge is not precisely installed/tuned. The price paid though, is perceived in the somewhat dulled transients, less focused bass notes, and shallower/narrower sound stages. The overall effect is in some way akin to softening the cartridge's damping mechanism, or swapping a line-contact stylus with the elliptical or conical variety.
The iFi
iPhono 3 phono preamp builds on the strengths of its predecessor, the iPhono 2,
and improves in several key aspects. Firstly, the background noise level is
further reduced in subjective perception as well as measurements, partly due to
the new power supply unit, the iPower X. Consequently, out of a darker
background, low-level information in recording becomes more abundant. Secondly,
the overall texture is further refined with minimized electronic glare, vocals
and string tone can now compete with phono stages at a much higher price point.
With careful component matching and proper vibration control, no doubt the
iPhono 3 can be part of an affordable, enjoyable, high-resolution system.
玩音響的人士,其隱含的真正最終動機(ulterior motive),不見得是「追求音質」本身,或甚至與「聲音」並無關連性。雖然不會承認,但行為上顯示這只是他們次要動機,真正動機在其它方面。
The Benz Micro LP-S is exemplary in its build quality, with every
critical parameter matching or surpassing specifications. This is also
reflected in lab measurements, showing nearly 40dB of channel separation and
ruler-flat high-frequency response. Its sonic characteristics lean slightly
toward the direction of being mellow and subdued, and are less demanding on the
associated equipment and setup precision. Though it is not quite state of the
art in terms of transient speed and extracting low-level details, the LP-S is
perfect for users who prefer to spend time listening to music rather than tweaking
their systems.
AMG adheres to the engineering approach in designing their products, with
straightforward functionality and understated style which clearly deviate from the
current trend of the vinyl playback business, where extravagant and sometimes
bizarre features are becoming prevalent.
Their 12J2 tonearm is an indisputably successful product. It can be
installed with ease, and is highly adjustable with very few usability quirks.
In terms of sonic performance, the 12J2’s ability to extract high-frequency
harmonic details is exemplary. Its sound-stage delineation can compete with any
arm on the market, assuming the use of a cartridge with softer suspension hence
requiring less anti-skating force. Overall, it is without doubt a front runner
for the best tonearm in its price range.
Ortofon’s SPU series of cartridges have been available on the market
for many decades, and even today still enjoy many dedicated followers. Listening
to the affordably priced SPU#1S on my system quickly dispels any doubt why the
model has been successful for so long. It has an uncanny ability in engaging
listeners by generating authoritative bass, full-bodied midrange, and transparent,
airy highs. Meanwhile, there’s diminishing amount of euphonic colorations or unpleasant
distortions. The slightly reduced resolution in minute spatial details is only
noticeable when directly compared to other mid to high-priced MC cartridges.
Otherwise by itself the SPU#1S is an excellent value as a versatile tool
facilitating long-term music enjoyment.
In my experience, even though other sonic attributes are excellent, most cartridges tend to sound somewhat lifeless with the SME V tonearm. Of all the cartridges I've tried on the arm, this one below is the best match, regardless of price range. All the measurement data is quite good, including low THD, IMD, and the resonance frequencies in both planes are near the ideal 10Hz. It also needs very little antiskating to track properly. Though it still needs about 2.8 on the scale to eliminate side force and achieve fully symmetrical soundstage.The sound is definitely hi-end, no doubt. Vividness with great resolution, transparency, clean and fast.