A good example demonstrating the relationship between the compliance of a cartridge and the resonance frequency of the arm/cartridge combo. Here the cartridge has a horizontal compliance at 15*10^-6 cm/dyne, and the measured lateral resonance is at 10Hz. Its vertical compliance is lower at 12*10^-6 cm/dyne, and the measured vertical resonance is at 12Hz. BTW, the arm is a uni-pivot design so the effective mass in each plane should be very similar.
唱頭的順服度與裝在唱臂上時的低頻共振頻率的關係,這是個好例子。它的水平向順服度是15*10^-6 cm/dyne,縱向是比較低的12*10^-6 cm/dyne。在單點軸承唱臂上,測得水平向10Hz,縱向12Hz。理論與實際數據算相當吻合。