Why do we need to use X-ray to inspect a cartridge in its unopened package? Recently I've encountered several high-priced cartridges with very steep cantilevers, far greater than the 20-degree spec'ed in most user manuals. When communicating with the manufacturers, they either insist these are normal cases, or the anomalies have to be the results of user errors, asking for a service fee to make adjustments to the angle. If we can identify such issues before the box are even opened, then for sure we can say it's not from improper use of the product.
Many thanks to Alan C. Pan's willingness to test with the equipment in his clinic, and 黃崇斌's post processing! The results seem to indicate this may be a viable approach.
為何要用 X光來檢測未拆封唱頭的針桿角度?主要是因為,我最近看到好幾個還很新的高價唱頭,側面的針桿角度非常陡,遠超出多數廠方規格裡所標示的20度左右。這意味著絕大多數唱臂無法將VTA/SRA修正到正常工作的範圍。唱頭上緣水平時,SRA會到95度以上,測量IMD失真率也會很高。如果在還沒拆封之前就可以發現這問題,就能確認這完全不是使用者造成的,立刻可以退回要求廠方處理。
感謝 Alan C. Pan 願意嘗試用他診所的器材測試,還有黃崇斌先生的影像處理,下面的圖片顯示,這方法似乎是可行的。

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