Speed stability test results on Technics SL-1000R using AnalogMagik. As I mentioned before, flutter == 0.05% is the lowest number I've seen using AM for measurements, similar to what I got on my SL-1200G. If the PlatterSpeed apps is used instead, most likely we will see 0.015%. BTW, this is the best stability of all turntables I've tested so far.
Speed stability test results on Technics SL-1000R using AnalogMagik. As I mentioned before, flutter == 0.05% is the lowest number I've seen using AM for measurements, similar to what I got on my SL-1200G. If the PlatterSpeed apps is used instead, most likely we will see 0.015%. BTW, this is the best stability of all turntables I've tested so far.
這是用 AnalogMagik測試 Technics SL-1000R的轉速顫抖率,得到 0.05%,與之前測試 SL─1200G的幾乎一樣。若是用 PlatterSpeed來測,應該會得到 0.015%。這是所有我經手過的唱盤裡最佳的數值。


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