After a long hiatus, the Decca-series's London Reference is now back in action, with a custom made Tom Evans MM phono stage (the only one in the world according to TE). This phono stage has an RIAA curve and load settings targeting the Decca cartridges. The frequency response measurements indeed indicate the effectiveness in smoothing the curve, especially the bass region. Figures 1 and 2 are in linear scale, showing the same cartridge pairing with the TE and iFi iPhono 2, respectively. Figures 3 and 4 are in log scale. Note the high frequency part may be further tweaked by the capacitance setting.
After a long hiatus, the Decca-series's London Reference is now back in action, with a custom made Tom Evans MM phono stage (the only one in the world according to TE). This phono stage has an RIAA curve and load settings targeting the Decca cartridges. The frequency response measurements indeed indicate the effectiveness in smoothing the curve, especially the bass region. Figures 1 and 2 are in linear scale, showing the same cartridge pairing with the TE and iFi iPhono 2, respectively. Figures 3 and 4 are in log scale. Note the high frequency part may be further tweaked by the capacitance setting.
Decca 系列唱頭 London Reference 經過一段時間沒用,又再次回來,搭配特別訂製的 Tom Evans MM 唱放。這唱放有特別為 Decca 唱頭設定的 RIAA曲線及阻抗/容抗負載。頻響測量得到相當平直的正負2dB結果,線性X軸如圖一,圖二是用 iFi iPhono 2的對照。圖三圖四是對數X軸。高頻部分,應該可以用電容負載再微調。

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