What kind of IMD numbers the ELP laser player will show if running the AnalogMagik's VTA test through it? The ELP uses two ~2-micron laser "dots" to read the groove hence no SRA-related issue. IMD should be very low in theory. Initial measurements below show pretty good numbers, though not much better than a well-adjusted cartridge. I suspect the test record needs to be cleaned even further to get better measurements due to the ELP's susceptibility to dust. In any case, at least this shows AnalogMagik's IMD measurements are mostly in line with expectations.
在 ELP 黑膠雷射唱盤,用 AnalogMagik 的 VTA測試,會得到什麼結果?初始測試顯示,IMD 數值算相當不錯,但沒有比調整得好的唱頭更低。因為 ELP 對灰塵很敏感,可能要把測試唱片洗得更乾淨,才會有更好的結果。但這些數值至少顯示,AnalogMagik的 IMD 測量是有可信度的。而且,之前一直認為 ELP 的聲音雖然細節少,但失真很低,是有其道理的。